Key Philippine Laws Against Sexual Violence and Exploitation

 This paper looks at three of the most important Philippine laws that have been enacted to fight sexual violence and human exploitation: Republic Acts 8353, 7877, and 9208.  These acts are major steps toward protecting vulnerable populations and establishing a legal framework for addressing these serious issues.

Republic Act No. 8353, or the Anti-Rape Law of 1997, has greatly expanded the definition of rape and classified it as a crime against persons. The law expanded rape, which covers sexual assault in addition to penetration into the vagina. It also introduced several aggravating circumstances that may come with stiffer sentences, such as those applied to offenses involving minors, persons with mental disabilities, and those committed by persons in authority.

Republic Act No. 7877 is known as the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995, and it covers sexual harassment in both workplace and educational environments. As defined by the law, sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an offensive or hostile environment. It further places the responsibility of measures against and response to sexual harassment in the hands of employers and heads of learning institutions and also provides for the formation of committees to oversee the cases.

RA 8353 and RA 7877 are two important laws in the Philippines. Both were established to protect the people against sexual violence and harassment. It signifies the government's commitment to ensuring that its citizens, particularly women and children, are protected and valued. These laws provide the legal framework for dealing with these issues, including punishment for offenders and mechanisms for reporting and resolving cases.






  1. Thanks for standing up for women rights! I hope you will apply this in real life and not only by words. I'm proud of you, brother!

  2. Thank you for sharing your insight about this issue! I learned many things in your blog.

  3. I like how you share your knowledge and information about these laws. I learned various things from your blog.

  4. This blog reminds us to take action about law to avoid abuse to everyone.

  5. Such a wonderful blog! This show right's for women and respect.

  6. The photos you used are very scary. It carried out the tone that this issue is really a serious one.

  7. fantastic! ending violence on women's is vital.

  8. You're very great at choosing the right pictures for your blog!


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