During the first quarter, I learned about the history of the internet, including key pioneers like Tim Berners-Lee, who created the World Wide Web (WWW), and Vint Cerf, known as the "father of the internet." I explored how the internet developed both in our country and internationally. I also discovered more about these pioneers and their significant contributions. Additionally, I learned how to create my own blog account. I found it interesting to learn about the different types of websites and blogs, such as vlogs (video blogs), moblogs (mobile blogs), music blogs, and photologs (photo-based blogs). All of this new knowledge was greatly enhanced by Ma'am Evelyn, who made it easier for me to understand.
Although I learned a great deal, I encountered several challenges. One of the main difficulties was grasping the technical aspects of how the Internet operates and memorizing details from the timeline, such as the key events and individuals who shaped the Internet. And some of the pioneers I struggled to contribute to the internet because it is new knowledge for me. At times, I struggled to keep track of the differences among the various types of blogs, given their diverse formats and purposes.
To address the challenges I faced in understanding the technical aspects of the timeline in the history of the internet, I read our lessons during my free time to improve my understanding and retention. I also asked my friends for their insights, which helped me grasp the material more quickly. Additionally, I watched YouTube videos related to our lessons to enhance my comprehension. I conducted research on the timeline to aid my memory, and this approach made it easier to understand and remember the key points. Furthermore, I practiced identifying different types of blogs through YouTube videos.
I want to build on what I've learned in the future by continuing to be interested in how the internet and content creation are developing. I want to use what I've learned, maybe by starting a blog of my own or looking into other online content venues. As technology and the internet continue to advance, I think that having this practical experience would help me better comprehend the subject and give me useful abilities.
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Nice reflection!, its interesting to be able witness your journey this first quarter.